Cross Stitching Basics!!!!
Reading the design pattern
The pattern is not printed to scale. Each square on the printed sheet is equal to one square on your Aida cloth. Each floss colour is represented by a colour and a symbol on the sheet. This can make it look overwhelming at first but can help a lot if you have similar-looking colours or if you are colourblind. I usually recommend starting in the middle of your pattern to ensure the design is easily centred when it is done.
Getting Going
Loosen your embroidery hoop by using the screw tension twist at the top of the hoop. Place the Aida cloth between the inner and outer hoops and push the inner hoop back into place, allowing the Aida cloth to be framed between the two. Ensure the center fold-point of the fabric is as close to the center of the hoop as visually possible (this will help center your design). Next, begin to tighten the screw tension at the top of the hoop to secure your cloth while also pulling your fabric taught.
Starting in the center of the pattern and Aida cloth, find the corresponding floss color to begin your stitching. Before threading your needle, you will need to separate your floss. Embroidery floss is made up of 6-strands. For these kits, you will need two strands at a time. Some people choose to double up and use four strands at a time for a fuller look. You can detach these strands by untwisting them and slowly pulling them apart. Be careful and go slow as they are easy to tangle. I typically cut my thread into 12-inch lengths before I start stitching. This makes it easier to untwist your strands and avoid tangling.
3. Thread your needle with your double-stranded floss, leaving a short tail. Do not knot or tie this tail, instead let it rest alongside your needle, usually staying pinched between the needle and your finger.
4. You’re ready to start stitching! Push your needle through the back/bottom of the fabric, up toward the sky to begin, leaving a small thread tail. Hold onto this thread tail with your finger pushed against the fabric until you make your first few stitches, allowing it to anchor on its own. Once you’ve done a few stitches, you can let go of the tail.
5. When making your “X” shapes on the Aida cloth, ensure you are going in the same direction for consistency. This will allow the final pattern to look cohesive. There are a few ways to do cross-stitch. Most commonly, starting at the bottom-left of the square (going to the top right), doing an entire row of 1/2 stitches before following through and bringing the bottom-right stitches (going to the top left), completing the “X”. You may also choose to do each square at a time, rather than a row.
When your thread strand starts to become short, you will need to secure it using the back of your current stitches. Run your needle under and through 2-4 stitches on the bottom/backside of the design and snip the lingering tail
Finishing Up
Washing Your design
After your pattern is complete, take your cloth out of the hoop and gently wash it in tepid water. Let the fabric soak for a few minutes in mild soap. Do not scrub the fabric or pattern, but move it mildly in the water to allow for some gentle churning. Rinse afterward. When you are ready to dry, place your fabric sandwiched on either side of a towel and press it back into your hoops. Leave somewhere safe to dry.
Backing Your Hoop
After washing and drying, remove the pattern from the hoop and place the outside (or larger) hoop onto the felt piece. Using a marker, trace the inside of the hoop all the way around. Cut out the traced circle and set it aside for later.
Place your Aida cloth back into the hoop for final display. Cut the corners of the fabric into a circular shape, leaving about 1-inch of fabric around the edge. Use the heavy thread to stitch in a circle along the edge of the excess Aida cloth. When complete, pull the two thread ends together, allowing for a drawstring effect to pull your Aida fabric into the center of the hoop. Tie the two ends into a knot to secure the cinch.
Grab your pre-cut felt piece and the extra-strong upholstery thread. Place the felt over the top of the cinched back and use a whip stitch to attach the felt to the Aida cloth. Secure the whip stitch with a small knot.
Congrats !!!!!!
You finished the kit and I am proud of you :’)